Blog: Red Train? Thomas the Train is a communist!
One of the buttons on the book plays this statement:
“Helping others is important, and it doesn’t hurt a bit.”
The voice-over is done in that “the white zone is for the loading and unloading of passengers only” tone, and I almost expect Sammy to press a new combination of buttons to come up with some other re-education nuggets:“Always respect you mother and father, and especially your fatherland.”
“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Do your part.”
“Work is no place for intellectuals.”
“Why ask why? Knowledge will only get in the way of a good day’s work”
and the extra-special, super-duper, duper-super hidden message:
“Soylent Green is people!” "
I was shocked at first; but you know.... I always kind of suspected something... I just couldn't put my finger on it. Other than James and his high-class red paint, they seem to be status neutral. And the whole Sir Topham Hatt ruling elite thing... exactly. I'm also pleased to bring you the first pictures of Thomas since he's been "outted".