News: Longest toy train track in the World

The longest toy train track-world record was set by a Thomas the Tank Engine track at Thomas Land at the Drayton Manor Theme Park in Tamworth UK.
The record breaking Thomas & Friends track was made up of the following elements:
5,500 straight pieces of track
3,125 curved pieces of track
10 flat end turn out with switch track (mix of left and right)
10 slope track curves
50 girders (level 1, 2 and 3)
20 bridges
10 Harold at the Hangar
10 Sodor Mountain mines
10 Cranky at the Docks
20 stations
15 Tidmouth sheds
50 Signal posts
1,700 customised supports
Total of 10,530 pieces
My son loves Thomas. I am sure he wishes that he could have been there to see it.
That is a lot of pieces of wooden train track to put together. It is very reminiscent of James May when he made a bridge out of Meccanno in the series Toy Stories that spanned across a canal.
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