News: Controller Needed, Fatness Optional (not really)

The Drusillas Park Zoo in East Sussex installed a Thomas the Tank Engine replica train for their visitors and looked into hiring a Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt's common name in England). They put an ad in the paper looking for a fat guy to manage their railyard but the legal team stepped in and said "no fat man ads". Who knew? And what if a Black guy applied? That'd put them in a tough spot.
Per the article, "getting a fat Fat Controller is just part of that commitment (to the Thomas experience). We are hoping that common sense will prevail and that we will find the right person before too long. We are currently advertising the part-time job on our website but have had to be very discreet about what we say."
I couldn't find the ad on the site so it is pretty discrete. I suspect they say something like. "If you happen to be skinny, try these other jobs here." or "We're specifically looking for applicants with nick-names like Tubby, Chubs, or Heavy, followed by your first initial". That would probably get the point across in a subtle way. They could even accidentally switch a couple letters and advertise for Sir Tophat Ham. I can appreciate their quandary but... what to do, what to do? Time will tell.
Per the article, "getting a fat Fat Controller is just part of that commitment (to the Thomas experience). We are hoping that common sense will prevail and that we will find the right person before too long. We are currently advertising the part-time job on our website but have had to be very discreet about what we say."
I couldn't find the ad on the site so it is pretty discrete. I suspect they say something like. "If you happen to be skinny, try these other jobs here." or "We're specifically looking for applicants with nick-names like Tubby, Chubs, or Heavy, followed by your first initial". That would probably get the point across in a subtle way. They could even accidentally switch a couple letters and advertise for Sir Tophat Ham. I can appreciate their quandary but... what to do, what to do? Time will tell.
I found the link on drusillas site on the VACANCIES page.
Fat Controller
With the arrival of Thomas at Drusillas, we need to recruit a Fat Controller to work on a part time, occasional basis, and to take control of the efficient running of the railway! Candidates must look and act the part and have a friendly and outgoing personality together with a sense of fun. To register your interest please email Gareth Hutchinson at"
I personally think this is PC gone mad surely this fits into acting and type casting.... Have you ever seen a female size 8 father christmas? Its just not convicing no matter how old you are!
Mum of a 2 year old Thomas Fan...
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